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Backpack specialist Gregory is one of the best-known manufacturers in North America. From lifestyle to travel, trekking to ski touring and alpine backpacks, Gregory offers outdoor enthusiasts and globetrotters a wide range of backpacks and luggage. It was in the 1970s when 14-year-old Wayne Gregory developed his first backpack as part of a Boy Scout project. Andy Drollinger, founder of San Diego's oldest outdoor store, noticed the young scout's prototype and was so impressed that he immediately offered him a job. Wayne Gregory jumped at the chance and became the second employee of the then newly established outdoor store. He subsequently spent a lot of time developing and testing different backpack variations. Thanks to direct customer feedback in the store, he was able to continuously improve his backpacks. In 1977, the time had come: Wayne founded the Gregory company. The focus of his company was already clear then and has not changed since. Gregory backpacks should enrich the lives of customers. Today, as then, the company places the greatest emphasis on quality, comfort, ergonomic fit, optimal load transfer and robustness in its products.