Always good for a nap: T1 Race Gaming Chair 2018
Corsair's new model of the T1 Race Gaming Chair is definitely good enough to take a nap in. But I'm sceptical as to whether it's really ergonomically made for hours of gaming sessions or office sessions.
Before joining digitec, I had already worked for six other companies. Six companies with very different cultures and, of course, very different inventories. In addition to my psyche, my back suffered the most, as many companies cut corners in the wrong places.
Really comfortable sitting was rare, but it's different at digitec. After seven months, I'm already sitting on my fourth chair. Fortunately, none of them had an ejector seat function.
The chair chronology
In January, I started at digitec with the following model:
However, this model caused back pain in my lower back. Which is why, after a few days, I moved to an ancient chair with a badly worn cover. This put an end to the pain, but it wasn't really comfortable either.
A few weeks ago, I was surprised to receive a new model from the infrastructure. The Giroflex 353:
In terms of ergonomics, it leaves nothing to be desired. Everything can be individually adjusted to my body. The seat and back angle and the back pressure are particularly important to me. I also make sure that the seat height is at a 90-degree angle to my elbows.
The short time I spent with the Giroflex chair was the most comfortable of my entire professional career so far. But now a chair could make me even happier. I received the 2018 model of the T1 Race Gaming Chair from Corsair last week.
T1 Race Gaming Chair 2018 - an overview
To put it bluntly, this gaming chair is only for slim people. You should also never sit naked on this chair with a racing feel. If you are well-built and naked, you will only enjoy this product if you enjoy being humiliated in other ways too.
The colour of the chair is available with yellow, blue, red or white accents or completely in black. The look of the chair is anything but subtle. I think it's cool. The racing chair is lined with artificial leather and has a honeycomb structure. The back of the backrest and the armrests have a carbon look.

The gaming chair is delivered in a large box. Two colleagues from Product Management carry 26 kilograms to my workplace on their own. It's really brilliant how well the guys look after me. So completely unselfish...
I actually want to set up the chair straight away. However, certain circumstances lead me to leave the box unattended for the time being. Until editor Kevin Hofer comes into the office and feels like putting the thing together. I feel like a pasha and am happy to be served for once. Kevin screws the backrest to the seat cushion and the seat cushion to the holder for the gas pressure spring. The castors are attached to the star base and the gas strut to the star base. It takes Kevin ten minutes to screw and plug them together. In the meantime, I dispose of the box within a minute and then help Kevin finish with stupid comments.
The most important specifications according to the manufacturer: [[table:36]]
*Attention: The seat height information on the manufacturer's website is not correct. The values in this table are therefore correct.
A true Throne of Games?

The first time I sit in the chair, it feels very hard. I feel like the princess and the pea. This may be due to the softer material of the last office chair I used. So I sit down on a few other chairs first, to recalibrate my seat, so to speak.
The gamer throne actually feels more comfortable now. I sit neither hard nor soft. I think it's comparable to a Recaro seat. It makes me want to game a racing game. Instead, I'm just hatching the beginning of this article.
I've been sitting for a few days...
Actually, I'm lying down most of the time... Hanging out in the office! I also notice the tilt function. If you want, you can tilt the chair by up to ten degrees by shifting your weight. Of course, this function can also be locked using a lever.

The chair is cosy and warm. The summer weather is heating up, but I'm not sweating too much. This is because the seams of the pattern allow air to circulate. However, I do occasionally get my neck or one arm stuck to the imitation leather.

And then I find a really annoying point: I need concentration. In other words, music to my ears and an ergonomic sitting position. Unfortunately, the backrest doesn't feel good to me as soon as I try to sit upright. Even the two cushions supplied can't change that. On the contrary, I find them too hard and too full. Comfortable is different.
In addition, when I try to set the optimum seat height, I am bitterly disappointed. The seat cannot be raised high enough (only to a seat height of 47 cm) to give me a right angle at the elbows. I am 181 cm tall, so it shouldn't be due to a lack of height. Unfortunately, my office desk also disappoints me, as it has a fixed height of 74 cm, which can only be adjusted using a saw.
Well, I can't concentrate on my work for long periods like this, nor do I want to play any shooters in this position. So I lean back again and put the keyboard on my lap.
Many things only become apparent after a longer period of testing. Or because I let Kevin assemble the chair. In any case, Corsair seems to have made some savings. The base of the gaming chair is made of hard plastic. Other manufacturers also use metal crosses in this price range.
Other than that, the racing look of the chair is pleasing. There is nothing to criticise in terms of workmanship. The seams are neatly finished, the faux leather has a great look and there are no LEDs. That's how it should be. I can also praise the chair's wheels. Their appearance is reminiscent of roller skates and they're easy to roll around on. If I wanted to take part in an office chair race, I would definitely be on the podium with it.
It's a shame that the seat height can only be raised to 47 cm. Definitely not enough to adopt an ergonomically correct posture at my office desk. What's more, the chair is not made for my back when it comes to an upright sitting position. But it's perfect for hanging or working lying down.
If, like me, you are more of a leek and enjoy reclining chairs, I can recommend the gaming chair with a clear conscience. However, it is rather suboptimal for the office and shooter gaming.
Finally: Praise the gaming accessories without RGB flashing!
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I find my muse in everything. When I don’t, I draw inspiration from daydreaming. After all, if you dream, you don’t sleep through life.