Gravitrax marble run: modular and creative
Your grandparents already played with marble runs. The principle is still the same today, but the designs are more unusual. With "Gravitrax", for example, you can creatively build your own marble run.
The starter set from Gravitrax already consists of over 120 modules that you can put together as you wish to create a track. If that's not enough, you can spice up your marble run with additional modules. Whether you want a looping, a catapult or trampoline, there is an add-on for almost every need.

Since Gravitrax came onto the market two years ago, our colleague Ludo has been infected with marble fever. As soon as new expansions are released, he buys them the same day. As I really wanted to try out the marble run, he let me use his sanctuary for an afternoon. This is how it turned out:
Not bad for my first marble run. Isn't it? Building is a great way to pass the time. "A quick tweak" quickly turns into "two hours tweaking a detail". What's more, the railway is never finished. You can constantly adapt and expand it. What I have noticed, however, is that the more additional modules you use, the more fragile your railway becomes. If you add a new element, it can happen that the ball has too little power to completely overcome the track. Then you have to redesign and the game starts all over again.
I was impressed by the trampoline and the catapult. A little tip: To load the catapult, you need to stretch a rubber band. If you want more power, like me, you can attach two bands and thus extend the flight distance of the marble. In my opinion, you can do without the cable-track-extension. It didn't work properly for me. You can find all extensions here or you can grab one of these advantage bundles right away:
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