
"Lotti Karotti" - perfect mix of luck, simple rules and tactics

Martin Jungfer
Translation: machine translated

There is hardly a board game that we have been playing in the family for as long as "Lotti Karotti". For us, it's a classic that never gets boring.

Colourful bunnies and carrots - there couldn't be a better time than Easter to publish this game test. Perhaps the classic "Lotti Karotti" from Ravensburger is already on your shelf. After all, it has been on the market for more than 20 years and is one of the best-selling children's games. There are probably around ten million copies to date.

What it's all about: a race on the hill

One of the secrets of its success is that it is so easy to understand. Everyone who plays gets four rabbits in one colour. There is also a stack of cards. These show whether you can hop one, two or three spaces forwards. The cards therefore take on the function of the dice. There is also an action card. Whoever draws this turns the carrot at the top of the mound. This creates new holes on the playing field. Rabbits standing on the field disappear into these holes and are eliminated. Or they prevent you from progressing because you cannot stand on pitches with holes.

A few rabbits, a stack of cards and the hill - that's all you need for «Lotti Karotti».
A few rabbits, a stack of cards and the hill - that's all you need for «Lotti Karotti».
Source: Martin Jungfer

This is why it's fun: luck and tactics are important

Players have to make new decisions with almost every move in "Lotti Karotti". Do they rely on a one-rabbit strategy and try to reach the goal as quickly as possible with one rodent? Or do they send several rabbits into the race - just in case one is sunk or pushed off the hill by the cheeky mole? There is also danger at the gate just before the finish line. If this opens, Mr Rabbit slips back a lap.

The more rabbits there are on the hill, the faster a straggler rabbit can get to the front. This is because occupied fields are not counted. It can get really crowded on the way up. Especially if nobody turns the carrot at the top and lets the drawbridge down. Then the traffic jam is longer than that of the cars on the Gotthard at Easter.

Conclusion: "Lotti Karotti" provides fun for many years

A round of "Lotti Karotti" takes 15 to 20 minutes. Despite three traps on the 3D playing field, a rabbit always reaches the goal in this time. In hundreds of rounds, we have never failed to finish a game because all the rabbits would have been sunk. Of course, luck is a decisive factor on the way to victory. But good tactics can give you a better starting point. When we got the game as a present, our daughter was four years old. Tactics was a word that was not yet part of her vocabulary. Today, four years later, she understands when it's worth putting all your eggs in one basket - and when it's better not to. At the age of four, she was fascinated by the disappearing rabbits, today she is thrilled when she is allowed to sink my confidently hopping rabbit into a hole at the last second.

"Lotti Karotti" is not just fun for the little ones. You can also get the game out again and again with third or fourth graders and chase the rabbits up the hill.

Ravensburger Lotti Karotti (German, French, Italian)
Board games

Ravensburger Lotti Karotti

German, French, Italian

Cover photo: Martin Jungfer

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