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Playstation 4 Slim - is thinner really better?

Sandro Hostettler
Translation: machine translated

Year after year, the new Playstation is followed by a slim version of the same console. You can find out why manufacturers are not only interested in making more profit here.

"He said 'exclusively', so it's all about profit," some of you may be thinking. Ultimately, however, this is one of the results of every purchase transaction and that's just how our economy works.

Back to the topic. Products get better as soon as they are on the market and made available to the masses. While patches or even DLCs improve a product for games, software updates for smartphones and branded interfaces or slimmer designs for consoles do the same.

Less space does not mean worse components. On the contrary. The PS4 Slim has been redesigned to save the following:

  • 30% size
  • 25% weight (16% for the C-chassis)
  • 35% power consumption (28% for the C chassis)

The most important technical data are as follows:

  • Main processor: Single-chip custom processor
  • CPU : x86-64 AMD "Jaguar", 8 cores
  • GPU : 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD Radeon™ based graphics engine
  • Memory: GDDR5 8GB
  • Hard disc drive: 500GB

If that hasn't convinced you yet, take a look at our big game sale. Over 50 PS4 games at really thin prices!

More about the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro:

  • News + Trends

    PS4 Slim, PS4 Pro and a little surprise

    by Philipp Rüegg

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