
Product details

The GSP 670 wireless closed acoustic headset delivers the ultimate in high-fidelity in-game audio. The discerning gamer who enjoys freedom of movement doesn't have to compromise on the audio performance of their game, as they can rely on our state-of-the-art wireless technology to ensure a stable connection and delay-free transmission.

Key specifications

Headset Type
Over Ear Headset
Gaming Platform
PC Gaming Headset
PS4 headset
PS5 headset
Wireless transmission
Radio Frequency (RF)
Equipment + Functions
Item number

General information

Manufacturer no.
Release date


Colour group
Exact colour description

Gaming headset features

Headset Type
Over Ear Headset
Headphone output
Gaming Platform
PC Gaming Headset
PS4 headset
PS5 headset
Peripheral signal transmission
Wireless transmission
Radio Frequency (RF)
Headphone features + functions

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3 months

3 months

Reviews & Ratings

Translation: machine translated
Overall ratingVery good83/100
Very good83/100
hifi.deSingle testReleaseSeptember 2023
  • PositiveVery good sound
  • PositiveGood insulation
  • PositiveHigh processing quality
  • NegativeA little bulky
  • NegativeMicro USB connection

As we still have to wait for the Windows update on our computer, we listen to some music in advance - thanks to Bluetooth. When we first set up the Epos GSP 670, we were pleasantly surprised by the warm, very harmonious reproduction. It doesn't suffer from an overly heavy bass or a narrow sound stage. Only voices, especially high-pitched ones, still seem a little tinny.

Computer Bild Logo
Rank 3 out of 5Computer BildZocken wie die Profis - 8 Headsets im TestReleaseSeptember 2023
  • PositiveGuter
  • Positiveaber kraftloser Klang
  • Positivezuverlässige Ortbarkeit
  • NegativeMikrofon mit Schwächen
  • Negativegeringer Tragekomfort
  • Negativewirkt etwas billig

Überzeugender Klang, gute Ortbarkeit von Gegenspielern, eine umfangreiche Software- und doch liegt das GSP 670 auf den hinteren Rängen. Das ist in erster Linie dem mäßigen Mikrofon und dem geringen Tragekomfort geschuldet. Das Headset von Epos Sennheiser wirkt bis auf die Ohrmuscheln billig und ist recht schwer. Auch die Akkulaufzeit ist im Vergleich eher mau.

This test report belongs to a different type: GSP 670 (Wireless)
Without ratingNo rating
PC Games Hardware Logo
PC Games HardwareSingle testReleaseFebruary 2021

... Direkt vergleichen mit dem GSP 600 klingt das GSP 670 dann auch etwas weniger detailliert und hochauflösend. Auch bei der Mikrofon-Aufzeichnung lässt das GSP 670 im Vergleich zum Klinkengerät ein paar Federn. Generell ist der Sound aber sehr gut, anders als beim basskräftigen Klinken-Geschwisterchen ist der Sound des GSP 670 außerdem linear abgestimmt...

Without ratingNo rating
PC Games Hardware Logo
PC Games HardwareSingle testReleaseJune 2020

... In general, however, the sound is very good, and unlike its bassy jack sibling, the sound of the GSP 670 is also linear. Those who like bass will still be happy: one click on the bass profile or after a few adjustments to the equaliser and the pitch-black bass tone pushes itself abysmally deep into the ear canals - only a few other headsets have so much bass strength...

Very good92/100
GameStar Logo
GameStarSingle testReleaseOctober 2019
  • PositiveVery good, differentiated sound
  • PositiveVery good workmanship
  • PositiveAdjustable contact pressure
  • PositivePrecise localisation of sound sources
  • PositiveOperation on the handset
  • Positivesupports Bluetooth & 2.4 GHz radio
    Very good94/100
    PCgo Logo
    PCgoSingle testReleaseSeptember 2019

    The Sennheiser GSP is undoubtedly a very good choice for gamers. However, at €350, we expect an all-round perfect product - but it's not.