Samsung 870 QVO
2000 GB, 2.5"
Samsung 870 QVO
2000 GB, 2.5"
Is this hard disk compatible with the HP Probook 470 G1 (E9Y70EA)? Difference QVO to EVO series?
There is no explicit information that the SSD is compatible with the laptop, but there should not be any problems. The difference between QVO and EVO is that the QVO is based on QLC (quad-level cell) and the EVO on MLC (multi-level cell). QLC is slower and has a shorter lifespan, but is cheaper. I would take the EVO.
Samsung Electronics GmbH
Thank you for your enquiry. For this SSD, your laptop/motherboard requires a SATA interface as well as a free mounting slot in the 2.5 inch form factor.
If in doubt, please contact the manufacturer of your laptop/motherboard.
Kind regards from Schwalbach,
Your Samsung Service Team