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Ubiquiti UniFi Flex XG (5 ports)

Ubiquiti UniFi Flex XG

5 ports

Question about UniFi Flex XG - 594466


1 year ago

Quick question I read that the input port only has 1G, so what good are the 4 10G ports if I can only get 1G in - that would be a bottleneck and completely unusable, right?


1 year ago

What does "input port" mean...;-) You can use any port as a connection to your 10G network and then, for example, use the 1G for a printer...
Or this switch is used within four computers/NAS to be able to quickly deliver data to each other and the 1G is then used to connect to a 1G network (which is probably most common...).

For example, I have my telephone on the 1G port of this switch and a PoE feeder in between. Works fine and as an uplink to my 10G network I use one of the 4 10G ports...;-)


10 months ago

I'm wondering the same thing because the XGs are multi-gateway 10g max devices for connecting switches together, not PCs.