Apple HomePod mini
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Apple HomePod mini
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"Why do you state that this HomePod Mini will be delivered by mid-December, postpone this delivery every few days and now at the end of January ?! Is this the fault of an unreliable supplier? I would have ordered the HomePod from Digitec if it had said end of January from the start. But this way I find the whole thing extremely tedious.
Update: Now again "the day after tomorrow
let's see if it works...I am rather suspicious
I have since cancelled my Digitec order and ordered the US version from another Swiss online shop and received it a few days later.
A power adapter is included, otherwise there are no differences. The language can easily be changed to German.
Don't understand why Digitec doesn't also offer this more available version and gets involved with unreliable suppliers.
I also think it's a shame that the information is unreliable. I bought mine yesterday from S in Germany. Pre-ordered on the internet and picked it up 2 days later.
I ordered from microspot where they keep moving it!
Beginning of Dec
Middle of Dec
End of Dec
Mid Jan
End of Jan
Now even end of February
Unfortunately, I have now also cancelled and, after the first immediate delivery of a white Homepod by a shop that was unknown to me at the time (gadgetstore), I immediately ordered the black one. Here's a hint: I was told that the stereo function was only possible between Minis. But now an update came, and without having to make any further settings, I now have the option in AirPlay to select all three of my HomePods (two large and one small). I'm sure that the fourth one will then also be able to be switched on. SUPER!
I have also been waiting for my HomePods since November. At the moment it says: Expected end of April. It's just a big cheek and a joke. I've already been told three times that the order will be delivered today, and yet it keeps getting postponed. I'm boycotting Digitec from now on!
When did you order, mine says "expected today".