The coffee drinker with higher standards is well supported by this stainless steel cone grinder. The grinder ensures that the powder strength and dosage can be easily adjusted for the desired amount without heating it up. There are safety features to protect against possible injury in the event of an accident...
Rank 3 out of 15Stiftung Warentest15 Kaffeemühlen 12/2019ReleaseOctober 2021
Coffee grinders with grinder in the test
This is how they work. Two different types of grinders were tested - cones and discs. In the cone grinder, a cone with sharp steel edges rotates in a steel ring. The ground material trickles along the cone into the collecting container...
Very good84/100
Rank 10 out of 10TestmagazinVergleichstest – Kaffeemühlen: Kaffeemühlen mit KegelmahlwerkReleaseFebruary 2019
fine result
short power cable
long grinding time
This is followed by the ART-7520 black coffee grinder from Cloer. The grind is very fine-grained with the
very fine-grained with the finest setting. However, the model needs a lot of time for this. Here, too, the choice of grinds could be wider.