Rank 1 out of 13Stiftung WarentestKindershampoo im Test - Shampoos, die pflegen und nicht brennenReleaseNovember 2020
For peace in the bathroom
It's been a long day, the child is tired. Now a quick shower and hair wash - and the stress begins. Shampoos especially for children are designed to make things easier. They are often brightly coloured and smell fruity. The packaging entices with pirates, animals, elves, fairies and promises such as "doesn't sting the eyes" or "doesn't pull the hair"...
There is a green light for the vast majority of products, at least in terms of ingredients: Eight of the children's shampoos scored "very good" and a further ten "good". One shampoo brings up the rear in the table with a "satisfactory" overall rating.
The fly in the ointment: all children's shampoos rated as "good" were penalised because they contain PEG/PEG derivatives...