Why can't I pay by invoice?

Why can't I pay by invoice?  

There are four possible reasons for this: your credit limit is exhausted, you haven’t yet submitted an application for purchase by invoice, your application is still being processed or your application has been rejected.  

How can I apply for purchase by invoice?   

You can submit your application under «Purchases and sales / Apply for purchase by invoice» or via direct link.  

How long does it take to process the application for purchase by invoice?  

As soon as you’ve submitted your application, you’ll be able to place your first order by invoice. We’ll then check your application.  

The payment option will be activated within 24 hours after placing your order, provided our verification of the company’s creditworthiness and the details you entered are successful.  

How can I increase my credit limit?  

If you pay invoices reliably and promptly, you can benefit from an increased credit limit over time. However, several outstanding invoices can reduce your credit limit. It’s therefore advisable to always use the same customer account to ensure a complete payment history. Please note that our customer service team can’t increase your credit limit.