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"Battlefield 1" review: Successful reboot

Philipp Rüegg
Translation: machine translated

Now that most shooters have migrated from the oversaturated Second World War scenario to contemporary or futuristic realms, many players are longing for the old days. "Battlefield 1" has recognised the signs and has turned the clock back a little further and set itself in the First World War. I'll tell you whether it's worth the journey.

I've been a fan of the series since the very first "Battlefield 1942". Multiplayer with up to 64 players, huge maps and numerous vehicles and aeroplanes to get up to mischief with was the biggest thing back then and is still incredibly fun today. After an extensive excursion into modern realms (plus a one-off trip into the future), "Battlefield 1" goes back to its roots. For the first time, a popular multiplayer shooter game series is dedicated to the First World War. In addition to multiplayer, there is also a proper, albeit somewhat short, campaign.

Varied campaign

There was no real campaign in "Battlefield 4". Certainly not a bad thing for a game primarily focussed on multiplayer, but I usually enjoyed the short action-packed hours. So it's good to see that developer Dice has seen sense. A campaign is particularly suitable for the First World War scenario. It consists of six parts, which can be completed in three to six hours. Not a big deal, but overall a really worthwhile endeavour.

Dice has decided to tell six individual fates instead of portraying the typical hero who wins the war single-handedly. Sometimes you fight as a tank driver in French trench warfare, other times as an armoured and heavily armed Italian in the mountains and yet other times you engage in spectacular dogfights while being attacked by a zeppelin. The fact that you experience the war in different roles works extremely well. The missions are exciting, varied, have a good length and indirectly serve as a short tutorial for the most important mechanics. Dice has even included a sneaking mechanic and a few open levels. Nevertheless, I grabbed the first tank that came along and used the main entrance with a loud roar.

Graphics that knock your socks off

Old Swede! The saying fits perfectly, because the developers are Swedish after all 😊. What Dice has conjured up here is simply breathtaking. The campaign in particular is bursting with impressive locations. As I was having wild chases with red triple-deckers in the aeroplane level and racing through fluffy clouds, my wife came into the room. Her five times: "That looks unbelievably cool", describes my opinion pretty well. But even on the multiplayer maps, you sometimes have to be careful not to get too distracted by the graphics. When sandstorms suddenly arise, at least everyone can't see anything.

With all the pixel splendour, the excellent performance is pleasing. With a GTX 1080, I have a rather high-end system, but despite all details on Ultra and 3440x1440 resolution, the game sometimes runs at up to 100fps.

A pinch of history creates atmosphere

Even Lawrence of Arabia makes an appearance - albeit a controversial historical figure.

Even in the first "Battlefield", the historical background contributed significantly to the atmosphere. Although the First World War is the lesser known of the two wars, it is no less fascinating and horrific in equal measure. The campaign is a light history lesson (very light, as the French are not even included!). You learn about the different battlefields around the globe and (fun fact for Americans) that there wasn't just French trench warfare. In the multiplayer mode Operations you replay historical battles and if they turn out differently than in the history books, you learn what impact this would have had on the course of the war. An interesting feature.

Multiplayer: Familiar but with less speed and fewer vehicles

If you've ever played "Battlefield", you'll quickly find your way around the latest instalment. There are four classes to choose from: Medic, Assault Soldier, Supply Soldier and Scout. These play as usual. The medic heals and revives with syringes, the assault soldier has tank shells, the supply soldier has ammunition in his bag and the scout targets enemies from a distance with a sniper rifle. There are numerous weapons to unlock and new grenades such as the gas grenade mix up the gameplay a little. You have to put on your gas mask, which means you can no longer aim precisely with your rifle. In addition to the standard classes, there are elite classes like the heroes in "Star Wars Battlefront". These are obtained by finding certain weapon crates. You can then run around as an armoured machine gunner until you die, hunt tanks with a special rifle or heat up enemies with a flamethrower.

As in previous instalments, it's worth playing in a squad, following orders and playing your role. There aren't as many vehicles as in previous instalments. There are a few tanks, aeroplanes, sidecars and even horses. Impaling enemies while galloping and armed with a sabre is definitely one of my highlights - even if I usually miss.

Then there is the zeppelin, the armoured train and the battleship, which are only used when one team is heavily behind. These giant vehicles can turn the tide of battle in an instant. However, you have to hurry if you want to find a free space. Because once they're in, they usually don't get out voluntarily. A fun addition that really mixes up the gameplay at times.

Other than that, it is noticeable that the focus is more on the infantry than on epic vehicle duels. These spawn rather rarely anyway and when someone appears in a tank, it's almost a small boss fight. Packed vehicles in particular are extremely deadly, as there are no missile launchers.

Genius maps

In addition to balanced classes, varied maps are the be-all and end-all. And "Battlefield 1" has plenty of them. Nine may not sound like a lot at first, but the different game modes such as Conquest, Operations and War Pigeons offer plenty of variety. War Pigeons is one of the new game modes. In it, you try to get to a pigeon before the opposing team and then hold on to it alive until you have written a message and sent it successfully. The mode is undeniably inspired by Droid Run from "Battlefront".

Operations is probably the most interesting new addition and spans several maps. As an attacker and defender, you fight tough battles for different sectors. Historical battles are re-enacted, including a short intro sequence and, depending on the victor, an alternative outcome. The only disadvantage is that the games can take a very long time.


A varied campaign with a tasty portion of story. Fun multiplayer with great maps and graphics that will make you drool. "Battlefield 1" is a blast. "Battlefield 4" won't completely replace it, but that doesn't seem to be the plan either. Together with "Hardline", Dice offers a complete package for every taste. As I prefer the latest and greatest and have always been fascinated by world wars, "Battlefield 1" is clearly the first choice.

I tested the PC version of "Battlefield 1", which EA made available to us. The game is also available for PS4 and Xbox One.

We have "Battlefield 1" in all versions and bundles

EA Games Battlefield 1 (Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Multilingual)
Video games

EA Games Battlefield 1

Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Multilingual

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