A Protea can stand on its own, because a single one alone already creates an impression with its appearance.

Flowers that are suitable for drying

Pia Seidel
Translation: machine translated

Sure, fresh flowers always work. But not for long. That's why it's worth buying varieties that still look beautiful when dried. I'll tell you which ones here.

Dried flowers were hard to miss at this year's Maison et Objet furniture fair in Paris. I always thought they were old-fashioned. But when they beautify even exhibition halls, it's worth giving them a chance. These varieties age gracefully and look enchanting at the same time.

Drying flowers properly

Look the same in my living room for weeks: Gypsophila, ornamental millet and protea
Look the same in my living room for weeks: Gypsophila, ornamental millet and protea
My poppy capsules also stay in shape for weeks.
My poppy capsules also stay in shape for weeks.

There are many ways to dry flowers. Some can be left in water for a long time without going mouldy, while others should be hung upside down to dry as quickly as possible. Finding the right moment takes a little practice and there is no guarantee that preservation will always succeed - not even with hairspray. Some florists try to use it to preserve the dried branches and flowers. However, hairspray sometimes doesn't do what it promises, even on your own hair.

Typical dried flowers

  • Poppy capsules should be as ripe as possible before they are cut off so that they retain their lush shape.
  • Ornamental millet decorates, as the name suggests, elegantly tall and elongated vases.
  • Gypsophila looks almost as lively when dry.
  • Proteas are considered the autumn flowers par excellence. They last a long time and look magnificent for months on end. -
Pampas grass
Pampas grass
Reed grass and other grass fronds
Reed grass and other grass fronds
  • Pampas grass and other reeds are currently being celebrated by interior bloggers and designers. The colour-neutral and bushy ornamental grass is popping up everywhere in collection catalogues and home magazines. Cut off as generously as possible, it can be dried perfectly.
  • Hydrangeas remain at their best when they are harvested after the summer and allowed to evaporate bit by bit in a vase of fresh water.
  • Cattails should be harvested right at the beginning of their flowering period in summer and dried in a well-ventilated place. Did you miss that? Then contact your trusted florist - they will have thought of it.
  • Stream flowers are, as their name suggests, made for dry binding.
Hydrangea, grass frond, bulrush
Hydrangea, grass frond, bulrush
Easter or strawflower, beach lilac
Easter or strawflower, beach lilac
  • Easters are popular for whole bouquets or wreaths because they retain most of their colour intensity.
  • Strandflieder is a popular dried flower. It is cut when the majority of the flowers have opened and then hung upside down for a good result.
  • Eucalyptus is just as popular with interior stylists as pampas grass. Whether arranged as individual branches or as a wreath, the beautifully shaped leaves make a statement and remain visually unchanged.
  • Picked hops can be tied into a pretty bouquet without the leaves.
Eucalyptus, protea, thistle (alpine manstraw), poppy capsule
Eucalyptus, protea, thistle (alpine manstraw), poppy capsule
Special or coloured hop flowers
Special or coloured hop flowers

To all dry flowers.

Header image: A Protea can stand on its own, because a single one alone already creates an impression with its appearance.

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