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FAQ: Everything you need to know about the PS4 Pro

Philipp Rüegg
Translation: machine translated

With the PS4 Pro, there are now three different Playstation 4 models available to buy. The original, the thin one and the new powerhouse. I'll explain what the PS4 Pro can and can't do and for whom it's worth buying.

Three years after the launch, there are now three different Playstation 4s. The PS4 Pro is the latest addition to the family and promises 4K gaming for the console too. Don't you need a super-expensive PC for this? I try to answer these and all other important questions with the following FAQ.

What is the PS4 Pro?

The PS4 Pro is a more powerful upgrade of the PS4. This means that there are now three PS4s in addition to the original console and the recently released PS4 Slim. As the name suggests, the PS4 Pro is the high-end version of the three and therefore costs the most.

Can it now do 4K?

Yes, with reservations. In the run-up to the launch, there was a heated debate among digitec users as to whether a 450 francs console can display games in true 4K resolution. The answer is somewhat complicated. In principle, the PS4 Pro is capable of native 4K (3840x2160 pixels). As all games first have to be made compatible for the PS4 Pro in order to utilise the advantages, the list is still limited. "NBA 2K17", "The Witness" or the "Skyrim Special Edition" run in true 4K resolution and are not upscaled.

Since the PS4 Pro with 4.12 TFLOPS graphics performance is significantly behind a GTX 1080 (9 TFLOPS) and even this card does not easily manage 4K, one can rightly be surprised. The first batch of games shows that primarily less graphically complex titles will run in native 4K resolution. Furthermore, games will benefit from the PS4 Pro's performance in different ways. "Uncharted 4" or "Titanfall 2", for example, will run at 1440p. According to Eurogamer, "Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered" will even run at 2880x1620 pixels.

For non-native 4K titles, a technique called checkerboarding helps to bridge the gap to 4K. It is up to the developers to decide how high they want to increase the resolution or whether they prefer to opt for more frames per second. Games will therefore be improved in various ways by the PS4 Pro and only when the developers are familiar with the new technology will the potential be fully utilised. Sometimes there are more pixels, sometimes a better image is created through downsampling and sometimes, as in "Rise of The Tomb Raider", the FPS is increased from 30 to almost 60, which makes for a much smoother gaming experience.

What if I don't own a 4K TV?

You will still benefit from the PS4 Pro. On the one hand through more FPS and on the other hand better image quality through supersampling, in which an image in higher resolution is downscaled to 1080p.

Will the gaming experience be better?

In principle, yes, but it varies from game to game. More pixels or supersampling provide a more beautiful image or sharper textures and more FPS for a smoother gaming experience.

Does PS VR do it better?

This will also vary from game to game. As the PS VR is not capable of 4K, supersampling will be used, resulting in a sharper image. The prerequisite is that the game has been developed specifically with the PS4 Pro in mind or a patch has been added. This is the case with "Battlezone", for example, which improves the cockpit lighting and reflections in addition to supersampling.

There should also generally be fewer texture pop-up effects.

Which games are already optimised for PS4 Pro?

Over 45 titles have been optimised for the PS4 Pro at launch. The full list can be found on the Playstation blog. IGN has also compiled the various improvements and resolutions.

Will there be a new controller to go with it?

As with the PS4 Slim, the PS4 Pro will also come with the slightly redesigned Dualshock 4 controller. It has an additional light strip above the touchpad so that you can see the colour without having to turn the controller. In addition, the USB cable now also transmits data.

Will there be exclusive games for the PS4 Pro?

No, all PS4 games will always run on all models.

Can I transfer my data from the old PS4 to the PS4 Pro?

Yes. Pictures, save states, games etc. can be transferred directly to the new console. To do this, connect the two consoles with a network cable and select the "Data transfer" option in the settings.

How do I use 4K on the PS4 Pro?

If it is not already set automatically, you will find the item Resolution in the video settings. There are now two additional options: 2160p RGB and 2160p YUV420. The latter is only recommended for older televisions that do not yet support HDMI 2.0.

Which HDR standards are supported?

HDR10. Dolby Vision is not currently planned.

Do I need special equipment?

If you want to use 4K, you need to use a premium HDMI cable, such as the one included in the package.

Does the PS4 pro have any other advantages apart from 4K?

It has 1TB storage (SATA-III), has an additional USB 3.1 port on the back and offers faster WLAN (IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac). In addition, the optical audio connection returns, which was omitted from the Slim.

Can I replace the hard drive?

If you prefer to install a faster SSD, you can still do so. A screwdriver is all you need. The hard drive must be 2.5 inches in size and no thicker than 9.5mm.

Does it play UHD Blu-rays?

No, only normal blurays. However, 4K apps from Netflix and YouTube are due to be released soon.

How big is the PS4 Pro?

From top: PS4 Slim, PS4, PS4 Pro

It is around two centimetres longer and wider than the original PS4 and also 500g heavier.

What buttons does the PS4 Pro have?

Mechanical buttons for switching on/off and ejecting the disc

What do I need to consider when using a PS VR with the PS4 Pro?

If you have a PS VR, you must connect your PS4 Pro to the computing unit as before. The 4K signal is transmitted without any problems, but the computing unit only supports the YUV420 format, which means that the HDR functionality is lost. To use the PS4 Pro with 4K and HDR, you have to connect it directly to the TV or use an HDMI switchbox like this here.

You can find an even more detailed FAQ on the Sony blog.

An exciting analysis of the PS4 Pro is also available from Digital Foundry

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