
Favourite films and rainbow popcorn: tips for children's cinema at home

Katja Fischer
Translation: machine translated

Over the holidays, families finally have time to fritter away. And since it's appropriate to stay home anyway, you can celebrate a long evening of TV with a clear conscience. Five ideas, including movie inspiration.

Christmas and rainy weather - the conditions for a home movie night (or afternoon, or day) are perfect. With the current pandemic situation, there's every reason to stay indoors anyway. Ideas for a family event in front of the TV abound.

1. get dressed up - in sweatpants

Gammellook is the dress code. With pyjamas, XXL hoodie or sweatpants you are right this time. If you still have an Onesie tucked away in the back of your wardrobe, you should give it another chance now. After the Christmas parties with the relatives, where you probably showed your best side in terms of outfit, you can now enjoy your tenue légère.

2. whether healthy or unhealthy snacks: the main thing is that they are specially prepared.

Cinema without popcorn is like Christmas without "3 Hazelnuts for Cinderella". It's okay, but there's just something missing. For once, how about some colorful rainbow popcorn to take your movie afternoon to the next level? It's easy to make with little kids. All you need is popcorn corn and food coloring. You can find a recipe here.

If you want to go healthier after the Christmas feast and avoid popcorn crumbs, I recommend veggie or fruit sticks. They don't have to come across as boring, either: Arrange motifs with them and the vegetable plate will look spectacular.

Kleiner Aufwand, grosser Effekt: ein tierischer Gemüse- und Früchteteller.
Kleiner Aufwand, grosser Effekt: ein tierischer Gemüse- und Früchteteller.
Source: Shutterstock

3. cushions and tickets for a cinema feeling

Bring out the sofa cushions, bed pillows, blankets, furs and beanbags. Drape everything you can find into a big, cozy lounging and sitting area in front of the TV. Close the curtains or lower the blinds, turn on the Christmas lights and light a few candles if you like.

Small additional idea: Create fictitious tickets for the entrance to the home cinema. All you need is a piece of paper (or cardboard), a pen and scissors. And about five minutes of craft time. The kids will love it.

Aus Papier oder Karton bastelst du in kurzer Zeit Kinotickets.
Aus Papier oder Karton bastelst du in kurzer Zeit Kinotickets.
Die Eintrittskarten werden vor dem Heimkino eingezogen.
Die Eintrittskarten werden vor dem Heimkino eingezogen.

4. the agony of choosing a film

Finding a film that suits every member of the family is the hardest part. Many a TV night has failed at this task. That would be a shame - we are celebrating the festival of love, after all. Below are some animated movies that have resonated with my family or friends' families.

  • "Luca" (Disney+): A feel-good movie from Pixar about the friendship of Luca and Alberto that puts you in a good mood and makes you want to go on vacation to Italy.
  • "Klaus" (Netflix): A funny and smart Christmas movie about Santa's origins.
  • "Ice Age" (Disney+): The classic with Sid, Scrat, Manni and Co. always goes and can be expanded into an XL cinema happening thanks to several parts.
  • "Off Through the Hedge" (Netflix): If you haven't seen the story of Verne the turtle, Hammy the squirrel and Stella the skunk in a few years, now would be the perfect time.
  • "The Mitchells vs. the Machines" (Netflix): A fun story about a road trip of a cellphone-obsessed daughter and her bumbling father that's ended by a robot apocalypse.

And then an extra tip: The new Disney animated film "Encanto" has been streaming on Disney+ since December 24. Our movie expert Luca tells you why you're guaranteed to be right with this suggestion in his review. "Encanto" and its music have really enchanted him.

5. put your gadgets aside and watch the movie

Actually, it goes without saying. But precisely because this step is so important, it deserves its own section: put your smartphone away. Far away. Otherwise you can skip points 1 to 4. Enjoy the film - and watch it with a child's eyes.

More tips and inspirations are welcome. Use the comment column below.

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