Galaxus Four Hills Tournament: opening jumping in Oberstdorf
Galaxus’ Four Hills Tournament has officially started. The first stop is Oberstdorf, Bavaria, for the opening jump.
Eight athletes representing various nations have dared to enter the jump. Some are seasoned veterans, others have just started their careers. Although a winner won't yet be determined at the Allgäu spa resort, the first contenders for the overall victory are definitely making themselves known. Oberstorf will reveal if all the hard training in the run-up to the race has paid off. Commented by Simon Balissat and Tim Eppler. Video subtitles available in English.

Point system and scoring
The athletes receive three different scores for their performance at the Galaxus Four Hills Tournament: distance, landing and final position.
The red line on the landing hill is the so-called K-point. This line indicates the starting point for calculating the distance of the jump. If an athlete lands on the red line, they are awarded 10 points for distance. For the distance score, each grey line before the K-point means -1 point and each grey line after it +1 point. However, the maximum number of points that can be scored for distance is 15. The minimum is 5 points.
Athletes can earn extra points in the B score for their landing. If a vehicle lands on all four wheels at the same time after the jump, this means an additional 5 points.
Final position
The final landing position can also earn the athletes points. If the vehicle comes to a stop on all four wheels after landing, this earns the athlete an additional 5 points in the B score.
Next jump on 1 January
The second jumping event of the Galaxus Four Hills Tournament will take place on 1 January in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Make sure to save the date! The double jump that awaits athletes there is quite a challenge. And for the first time in history, two vehicles will be jumping over the jumping hill at the same time. It’s a spectacle not to be missed.
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