160 km/h in cities
A good idea?
- Sure, no problem for self-driving cars.49%
- Don't think so.51%
The competition has ended.
Futurist and retro-futurist artists have come up with bold visions of the future. As well as ideas on how mobility could look in the future. Think big and guess how we'll move around in the world of tomorrow.
A good idea?
The competition has ended.
Oil will run out eventually.
The competition has ended.
Urbanisation continues to progress and it has been agreed that cities will become bigger and bigger.
Tokyo stands at 38 million people.
The competition has ended.
Sharing economy or private property?
The competition has ended.
When will it be established?
The competition has ended.
Pictures: Klaus Bürgle († 2014), klausbuergle.de
I'm the master tamer at the flea circus that is the editorial team, a nine-to-five writer and 24/7 dad. Technology, computers and hi-fi make me tick. On top of that, I’m a rain-or-shine cyclist and generally in a good mood.