Quick guide to running
People all over the world are discovering the joys of running. That’s great! Doing sports has many positive effects – strengthening the immune system is one of them. Here’s a beginner's guide to running.
It’s Sunday afternoon and I find myself in a recreation area in the vicinity of a large city. I've rarely seen so many runners. It strikes me that many of them look like first-time runners. Some are wearing everyday clothes and street shoes and seem to be struggling. Doing sport might be healthy, but with bad equipment and technique, Achilles tendonitis, runner's knee and other injuries are inevitable. Here are a few articles on running – to help you get started and make sure your new activity doesn’t end you up at the physiotherapists or the orthopaedic surgeon.
The equipment
No, you don't have to spend hundreds of francs to take up running. In summer, all you need is a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. But take a few minutes to think about your feet and shoes:
Rookie mistakes
Almost anyone can run. Nevertheless – or for this very reason – we often make serious mistakes at the beginning of our «running career». Here are the most common ones:
Your mind
Running is hard work. Your calves will let you know after a 10-kilometre run. But it requires mental strength, too. How you’ll manage? These few tips aren’t only helpful in a race but also when you’re running for fun:
How fast and long?
Not only your head turns red, so does your heart rate. In the long run, this is neither healthy, nor does it boost your performance. On the contrary. Go on long but slow runs on your own:
Speaking of heart rate
What does your heart rate reveal about you and your performance? Read this article to find out:
Interval follows long slow distance
Okay, if you’ve just started running, you may not (yet) be interested in this. Or maybe you are?
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From radio journalist to product tester and storyteller, jogger to gravel bike novice and fitness enthusiast with barbells and dumbbells. I'm excited to see where the journey'll take me next.