Knob Feel: The best review channel ever
Probably the strangest review channel on YouTube consists of a close-up, a hand, a man's voice and moaning. A look at Knob Feel.
What the fuck, internet?
I'm the kind of person who likes to write a review or two. Every now and then there's another video. When I'm filming, I think about the choice of words, humour and length.
Then someone like Knob Feel comes along. He reviews things with buttons, especially audio equipment, without words. But he makes sounds. A review is rarely longer than a minute.
Aaah. The concept
Who exactly is behind Knob Feel is unclear. Why Knob Feel exists is also unclear. But the concept is simple. A close-up of an appliance, a man's hand grips the knobs, turns and presses them and makes noises. An appreciative "Aaah", a questioning "Hmmm" or an astonished "Oh!" That's it.
At first glance, this seems strange, amusing or even sexual.
Of course, I watch pretty much every video on this channel. Knob Feel has released 62 videos, so that's an hour of my life that I spend "oooh" and "aaah". My life is weird.
With time, however, it becomes clear how Knob Feel works. The sounds are not random. I'm sure that research and an editorial team have gone into the videos. Over time, I recognise a system. Knob Feel likes buttons that either work without any resistance or are really clicky. I recognise stories, thoughts and knowledge.
I realise that it's not Knob Feel that does the review, but my head. As he doesn't give any context and doesn't explain himself, my brain does it all. I interpret the sounds, make up the sentences and thoughts myself. After 40 seconds or so, I think I know more about a stereo system, a cassette player or a margarine.
I don't know why I'm supposed to squash margarine in my hand, but somehow I feel like trying it out too.
Is Knob Feel more art than a review?
Hmmm. The success
The concept behind the whole thing has little appeal. The review of the Naim Mu-so has 93,000 views. This is Knob Feel's best video. Knob, by the way, is a slang word for penis. It's easy to say that too. There is also a guest video by an editor from the game website GiantBomb with 385,000 views, but we're not counting that.
Other than that, the views behave like this: Either several 10,000 views or under 10,000. The big YouTube success is denied to the button-feeler. But that doesn't stop him from doing anything, as the event has produced 62 episodes. Admittedly, the most recent video is a year old, but it breaks with the concept of knob feeling. It's a ball fondling, a fumbling around with balls. Or testicles, if we take the knob/penis pun into account.
Ahhh? The franchise
Reviewing knobs is not enough for the man or the team behind Knob Feel. Nor with guttural sounds. That's why there's a second channel from the same creators: Detail.Reviews
The channel includes two videos. The two videos together have 557 views at the time of going to press. Not 557,000, just 557.
So, that's it. I'm sure Knob Feel is someone's fetish. <p
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Journalist. Author. Hacker. A storyteller searching for boundaries, secrets and taboos – putting the world to paper. Not because I can but because I can’t not.