
Make your own glasses chain

Pia Seidel
Translation: machine translated

Colourful pearl necklaces have recently become high fashion and cost a fortune online. But you can design them yourself and get them for less.

Since a friend got me hooked on bead embroidery, I can't be bothered by bad weather, nor can I get bored. Simple projects such as a glasses chain can be realised in just a few minutes without any prior knowledge. As you only need a few tools for this, you can take a bead kit with you on holiday and be prepared for rainy days.

The craft is also currently popular in the fashion world. It is most commonly used to make jewellery. However, some designs are offered for a fortune. Although most necklaces are the simplest type of jewellery to make and do not involve real pearls, the prices are in the three-figure range. This is not only cheaper, but also more productive: with your own bead set, you can make several necklaces for sunglasses and the like. I now accept orders from friends because bead embroidery can become an addiction.

You need:

Let yourself be inspired

Different colours and sizes add variety when simply stringing beads together.
Different colours and sizes add variety when simply stringing beads together.

On Instagram and Pinterest, you can find many impressions under the term "beading", which will give you an idea of the numerous application possibilities. One of my favourite beading influencers is Margrethe Hjort Hay. The 15-year-old Danish girl and young entrepreneur is the daughter of the founders of "HAY" - one of the best-known Scandinavian brands in the furniture and home accessories sector. She regularly posts her own creations and has already published the book "Margrethe's Beads" in Danish. Just be careful when looking for role models: There is a risk that you will get lost on social media platforms and be intimidated by the experienced bead designers. But there's no reason for that. With the right choice of colour and bead size, you can create beautiful patterns even at the easiest level of difficulty.

Difficulty level 1: Stringing beads together

Lay out all the beads you like. Arrange the different types on a plate or in a bowl. This way, nothing gets lost and even small beads are easier to hold. To help you think, arrange the bowls in the order you have planned. This way you can check whether you like the colour scheme. Once you have decided on a sequence, start with the beginning of your necklace. Cut the wire so that its length matches your height. If you are 1.75 metres tall, a length of 70 centimetres is suitable.

A knot is suitable for a nylon thread and a crimp bead for a wire fastener.
A knot is suitable for a nylon thread and a crimp bead for a wire fastener.

First, thread on so-called crimp beads, which are made of molten metal and can be crushed. They are a substitute for a knot. As sunglasses can be heavy, I thread two crimp beads onto the wire. I add the rubber connection that will later be used to attach the sunglasses to it. I pass the start of the wire through one of the holes in the elastic. Then I pull it through the two crimp beads a second time. But this time in the other direction. This creates a loop, which I make smaller by pulling on the wire. The crimp beads should be close to the elastic. Make sure that about 2 centimetres of wire remain at the end. Later, you can thread the remaining piece of wire into the following beads and cut it off.

Double is better: As sunglasses weigh a lot, two beads should be crushed.
Double is better: As sunglasses weigh a lot, two beads should be crushed.

Then grab the pliers to crush the two crimp beads together with the rubber connection. When they no longer move, they completely enclose the wire. Then thread on all the beads as desired. If it is important to you that the pattern is regular and ends with the same sequence as it started, I recommend taking a break in the centre of the wire. From this point, arrange the beads like a mirror image on the half of the wire that is still free. This way, the second end looks like the first.

Rows of beads strung with wire rope retain their shape.
Rows of beads strung with wire rope retain their shape.
Nylon threads are more flexible.
Nylon threads are more flexible.

When you have reached the end of the wire, thread on two crimp beads and the rubber connection again and repeat the same process as at the other end: form a loop, go through the crimp beads again and then crush them. Cut off the remaining piece of wire after you have sewn it into some of the nearby beads.

Difficulty level 1.05: Shaping daisies

To create flowers, I recommend using a wire rope. As you have to pierce the same beads several times with this method, it is easier to use a sturdy thread. At the same time, the wire is flexible. This means you can adjust your flower later. If you still want to work with a nylon thread, a needle will help you thread it.

The size of a flower determines how many beads it needs.
The size of a flower determines how many beads it needs.

After I have strung some purple beads, I string five golden beads that will later become the flower. They form the top half. The number depends on the bead in the centre. The larger it is, the more beads are needed around it to create a gap-free wreath.

As you have to thread the wire through the beads twice, it is important that it is thin.
As you have to thread the wire through the beads twice, it is important that it is thin.

I then string a large brown bead to represent the inside of the flower. Before I string more beads, I pass the beginning of the wire through the first of the golden beads in the direction of the knot. I add four golden beads to the wire. They form the underside.

The flower wreath should form around the centre bead without any gaps.
The flower wreath should form around the centre bead without any gaps.

Finally, I pass the wire through the last of the five upper beads and tighten the wire until a flower is formed. The tighter, the more beautiful the shape. If you are not happy with the result, you can add or remove beads.

Daisies that don't wither.
Daisies that don't wither.

Countless possibilities

Once you have overcome the first hurdle, you will realise how versatile you can use the skills you have acquired. In addition to a chain for sunglasses, you can also use other linking methods to create a lanyard, necklace or bracelet. Beading is perfect for tying things like your wireless headphones or smartphone to you and turning them into a piece of jewellery.

With a beaded necklace, you won't lose sight of your glasses.
With a beaded necklace, you won't lose sight of your glasses.
This also applies to the home.
This also applies to the home.

In addition to the joy of making things, I like the fact that I no longer have to keep looking for my sunglasses. Thanks to the pearl necklace, they now hang in my handbag and also look good at home. Next, I want to try my hand at earrings and new levels of difficulty. Follow me to stay up to date and share your results in the comments column.

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