
Making sea creatures from found objects

Sabrina Müller
Translation: machine translated

You can find beautiful treasures in nature. My children always want to take everything home with them. Of course, this calls for a recycling strategy. For us today, this is called: making sea creatures.

My son is a real nature boy and could hike through the forest all day. My daughter, on the other hand, needs a little more motivation. But she loves collecting things. That's why I made her a "nature bag" in which she can put everything she collects. Branches, stones, driftwood, pine cones, leaves, tree bark, etc. find their place in it.

Turn found objects into sea creatures

For this craft you need your found objects from nature. However, if you don't have access to wood, you can also buy wood discs or bark. You will also need wood glue, a few craft paints and wiggly eyes.

Folia Wobbly eyes for gluing on
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Folia Wobbly eyes for gluing on

Folia Wobbly eyes for gluing on
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Folia Wobbly eyes for gluing on

How living creatures are created from found objects

1. Glue the various natural materials together to create sea creatures. Of course, you can also choose other motifs - depending on your child's interests.

2. Then the animals are colourfully painted.

3. Of course, the little sea creatures need funny wiggly eyes. Stick these on at the end. A little tip: Place the eyes directly on the wet paint. When it dries, the eyes will stay in place even without glue. This is often the easier option for small children.

Collecting natural materials and storing them properly

Sometimes we go out together to deliberately look for natural materials for a craft idea. Otherwise, the rule for my children is that they can take a favourite piece home with them. In my opinion, it is also important to give the children a place where they can keep their finds. In the "children's construction site" - as we call the gravelled area in front of the house - branches, pine cones, stones and much more pile up. My children can realise new ideas there without any restrictions.

The same applies to the bedroom. My children also have a treasure chest there for special things such as a beautiful snail shell or a special glitter stone. We used an old wooden tea chest for this, which means the world to the children.

Now I can't wait to see what creative ideas your child comes up with when you put natural materials, paint and wiggly eyes in their hands. I wish you lots of fun with it.

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