**Marvel director Kevin Feige is working on a new "Star Wars" film
Kevin Feige, the brains behind Marvel's comic adaptations, is working on a new Star Wars movie - with LucasFilm director Kathleen Kennedy. Here's what we know.
Marvel director Kevin Feige is working on a new "Star Wars" film. According to an exclusive report from Hollywood Reporters, his entry into the galaxy far, far away was reportedly decided in a meeting between him, LucasFilm chief Kathleen Kennedy and Walt Disney studio co-chiefs Alan Horn and Alan Bergman.
Kennedy plans the future of "Star Wars"
In a few weeks' time, "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" will mark - definitively - the end of the Skywalker saga. But that doesn't mean there won't be any more "Star Wars" films in the future. Under the direction of Kathleen Kennedy, "Game of Thrones" show runners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" director Ryan Johnson are already working on standalone Star Wars trilogies.
The fact that Disney approached Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios, is not surprising. On the one hand, Marvel Studios is a Disney subsidiary, and on the other, Feige is regarded as the brains behind the success of the MCU - the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Clearly, Feige should be developing a similarly successful series for 'Star Wars' - as with the MCU as producer and creative decision-maker. So far, there's only talk of one film. Nevertheless, several films are likely to follow if Feige is successful.
"We're excited about the projects Kathleen and the team at LucaFfilm are working on. Not just with 'Star Wars' in mind, but also 'Indiana Jones' and other parts of the company," Walt Disney Studios co-head Alan Horn told The Hollywood Reporter. This puts the marketing machine back into gear shortly before the final Skywalker instalment, which will be released on 18 December 2019. What's more, the statement also signals something else: Kennedy will continue to head LucasFilm.
Future plans and Feige reveal explosive detail
Finally, Disney has been rumoured to be planning the next Star Wars films for December 2022, 2024 and 2026. It's unclear which of the three "Star Wars" movie projects that have been launched in the meantime will begin in December 2022. I myself speculated last May that the arrival of a new trilogy after the end of the Skywalker saga is not set in stone. Could Feige's project be released in 2022? Given his status in Hollywood and within the Walt Disney Company, it's not impossible, even if time is running out for him.
Kevin Feige is also considered to be a huge "Star Wars" fan. Indeed, at his behest, one character from each MCU film in the second phase has lost a limb - a tribute to Luke's severed hand in "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back".
But one explosive detail Feige revealed to The Hollywood Reporter is very interesting: he's reportedly already thought of a big star for the lead role. He wouldn't say who it was. Here's proof that his project is probably more advanced than it seems. If I had to bet on the identity of this celebrity, I'd say it's someone who has worked with Feige before. Most likely even in the MCU. And he shouldn't have any big projects in the pipeline at the moment in case one film turns into several.
Robert Downey Jr. for example.
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