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"Monster Hunter Now": AR game from Niantic coming in September

Martin Jud
Translation: machine translated

Niantic, the development studio behind "Pokémon Go", is developing a new augmented reality smartphone game. "Monster Hunter Now" will soon enter the beta phase and is expected to be released for Android and iOS in September.

With "Pokémon Go", Niantic is still very popular with mobile gamers. The number of players is relatively stable, but annual revenue according to Statisa fell by 26 per cent from 2021 to 2022 to 646 million US dollars. People who play Pokémon seem to be making fewer in-app purchases than they did at the beginning. But what is less can become more again. Because now comes "Monster Hunter Now".

The game is being created in partnership with Capcom and lets you hunt monsters in the real world with your smartphone thanks to augmented reality. The "Monster Hunter" universe known from the Capcom game series invades our world and is looking for brave hunters to slay beasts big and small. Of course, there is no shortage of loot - materials that you can use for better weapons and armour. You can then go into battle with them to take down even bigger creatures and loot even more.

Monsters and various resources on a real map
Monsters and various resources on a real map
Source: Niantic

A fight, however, will never drag on as much as it sometimes does in the original game. In "Monster Hunter Now", battles last a maximum of 75 seconds. Nevertheless, there will be no lack of challenges. It should also be possible to mark a monster with a paintball on the move. This is for anyone who doesn't have time to fight. The marked game can then be tackled at a different location at a later time. If you need support in battle or simply fancy a loyal companion; yes, the cute Palico are also available in the real-world "Monster Hunter".

The game brings the core of the «Monster Hunter» series to the smartphone: the battle.
The game brings the core of the «Monster Hunter» series to the smartphone: the battle.
Source: Niantic

The game launch for Android and iOS of "Monster Hunter Now" is planned for September. A closed beta will be available from 25 April. You can register for this immediately here.

Cover image: Niantic

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