Nutrition from the age of 50
A good diet can delay the effects of ageing. The most important thing is to consume sufficient quantities of protein. Here are a few tips.
We're getting older. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the proportion of people aged over 60 is set to rise from 12% today to 22% by 2050. How can we control the negative aspects of ageing? With exercise and an intelligently chosen diet.
Claudio Franceschi, an Italian researcher and professor emeritus at the University of Bologna, has been studying ageing for some time. 20 years ago, he described one of its causes: chronic low-threshold inflammation. Claudio Franceschi has also led a research project into the relationship between healthy ageing and nutrition. His conclusions were as follows: the Cretan diet reduces chronic low-threshold inflammation. "We also found a lower incidence of almost all the pathologies associated with the affluent society, from diabetes and heart disease to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. In short, the Mediterranean diet makes it possible to age gracefully."
Mediterranean cuisine
The basic elements of this diet? The regular use of olive oil as the main source of fat, plenty of herbs and spices such as thyme, rosemary, coriander, sage, fennel, cumin, oregano and basil, an abundance of fresh leavegetables such as tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and courgettes, a daily intake of dairy products and cheese, regular consumption of fish and seafood, and a healthy diet.re of fish and seafood, moderate consumption of red meat, frequent consumption of wholegrain cereals in bread, pasta and rice, and systematic consumption of fresh fruit for dessert.

The Mediterranean diet is undoubtedly an intelligent basic diet. For athletes, however, the question arises as to whether this is enough or whether additional nutritional measures are needed to age well.
The reasons for these considerations? Muscle function, an essential feature of independent ageing and sporting activity, certainly requires regular stimulation, but also an optimised protein intake that should not start at an advanced age. Researchers are still arguing about the exact moment at which amyotrophy begins in men, with signs visible from the age of 40, 50 according to divergent opinions. When it comes to nutrition, there is a gap of the order of at least a decade, with specific recommendations on ageing only available for the over 60-65s.
The importance of protein
The need for protein, which plays a major role in building muscle, increases with age. But it's true that the current climate context and the media hype surrounding meat and milk production are making the protein issue more complex. To maintain optimal muscle function, in sport and generally from the age of 50 onwards, you need around 1.5g of high-quality protein per kilo of body mass per day, with the best possible composition of essential amino acids. The 0.8g often mentioned in official recommendations is too low. This quantity corresponds to the minimum, but does not take into account the optimal functionality of the muscles. From the age of 50 onwards, you also need around 30g of protein per main meal.
A woman weighing 60 kilos can therefore divide the 90g of protein she needs evenly between her three main meals. A heavier person can also consume protein in snacks, or increase the amount at mealtimes.
Controlling your weight from the age of 50 onwards is a first step towards successful ageing that counters possible muscle atrophy. It is therefore advisable to step on your bathroom scale once a week. It is perfectly possible to consume proteins from plant sources only, but the quantities of food to be ingested will be much greater than those of animal origin. Conclusion for sportspeople over fifty: a protein-rich Mediterranean diet is the ideal choice.
And the editor of choice? Me! Follow me here!
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