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One step closer to a better you

Patrick Bardelli
Translation: machine translated
Pictures: Thomas Kunz

I am looking for a better quality of life. I'm seeking professional help from a young company: "betteryou" is the name of the Zurich start-up. After six weeks, my interim conclusion is: I'm on the right track and that's really cool.

I wasn't feeling well recently. I was often exhausted and felt stressed. I struggled through everyday life with a thin skin. I couldn't go on like this. By chance, I came across a young company in Zurich's Kreis 6 neighbourhood with the aim of betteryou: Quality of life, happiness and satisfaction for everyone.

At the end of September, I had my first appointment for a scientific analysis of my current state of health and fitness. Or spiroergometry for short. After around two hours, I went home with a lot of data, some important findings and a detailed nutrition and training plan.

  • Background information

    How to become a better You

    by Patrick Bardelli

Eat the right food at the right time

The first thing I did there was change my diet. Analysing the data revealed that I was depriving my body of important nutrients and often eating at the wrong time. As a result, my metabolism was running at a low level. In combination with insufficient basic stamina, this meant that I was unable to regenerate well and that everyday life was costing me too much energy. The first step was to compensate for this deficit.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner were now the order of the day. In between, small snacks in the mornings and afternoons and supplements for sport. Eat, eat, eat, instead of intermittent fasting as before. As soon as breakfast was off the plate, it was already time for an apple or a handful of nuts. Then lunch and soon a little Darvida with a piece of cheese. No sooner had I swallowed the last mouthful than it was time for dinner. Somehow still casual and also a little stressful. Always eat. As fresh as possible, preferably home-cooked; that's why I started baking the bread myself .

Training the right thing at the right time

And I was given a detailed training plan along the way. Twice a week, basic endurance training on the bike ergometer or treadmill with a heart rate between 110 and 122 beats per minute. As well as two strength training sessions with deadlift, back squat, bench press and co.

Speaking of correct: I always had severe back pain after the workouts. I mentioned this to José Spolidoro, athletics coach at betteryou, who had put together the training plan for me. "Come round and we'll look at the exercises again together," said José. In the end, it turned out that I wasn't doing the deadlifts correctly. In my case, it was more like half squats, which put the wrong amount of strain on my lower back. A correct deadlift should look something like this:

The back pain has disappeared since then. 😊

Better thanks to betteryou

Six weeks have now passed since I started eating and exercising according to plan. And what has it achieved? Subjectively, I feel much better, am less tired and no longer so stressed. But what do the figures say, do my feelings match the objective data? Time for a second spiroergometry with Ben Signer, nutrition consultant at betteryou.

Once again, I answer various questions about my current life situation and Ben uses bioelectrical impedance analysis to measure my body water and muscle cell tension. He also measures my body fat percentage.

Finally, the bike ergometer is waiting for me. Five minutes of leisurely pedalling, then the resistance increases every few seconds. You pedal until you can do no more. Then you roll out for five minutes and the spiroergometry is complete. This involves measuring your respiratory gases, which provide information about your fitness and recovery status.

Ben and I sit down comfortably and analyse the data over a coffee:

We are currently seeing an improvement in your well-being. This is also reflected in the figures. Firstly, your body's activation time has been completely eliminated. This indicates significantly improved regeneration. On the other hand, your basic endurance has also improved. This corresponds to fatigue resistance in everyday life and therefore ensures that you physiologically get into a stressful situation later.
Ben Signer, betteryou

That fits. My subjective feelings match the data I've just collected. I also feel objectively better than I did at the end of September. However, I have put on 1.5 kilos, also in the form of belly fat.

And so it goes on

Now I have to continue to improve my basic endurance and get even fitter. At the same time, Ben is adjusting my nutrition plan. We reduce body fat in the abdominal area by running a calorie deficit. In concrete terms, this means absolutely no more carbohydrates at dinner for the next six weeks. Ciao pasta and risotto, goodbye potatoes and couscous.

My conclusion

Patience is a virtue. Unfortunately, I don't have any and that's why I often find it difficult to wait for something. However, lifelong habits can't be thrown overboard in a few weeks. It takes time and discipline. I have enough of both.

So after my appointment in Zurich, I sit happily on the train and head home. I finally have individualised solutions for my needs. A nutrition and training plan based on the data from my spiroergometry. Personalised advice that helps me to correctly categorise the many figures. And a team at betteryou that looks after me and is there for me if I have any questions or problems. I'm happy all round and definitely on the right path to my better self. I'll get the patience thing down too.

Your discount

Want to do something for your well-being too? Maybe you're in the right place in Zurich's Kreis 6 district, just like me. As a Galaxus customer, you can benefit from a 10 per cent discount on the entire betteryou sale. Get in touch with them and let them advise you.

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