Behind the scenes

Online shopping in Europe – these are the differences

Stephan Kurmann
Translation: Elicia Payne

Galaxus customers across Europe shop in a similar manner, that is, preferably on a Monday evening and mostly on a smartphone. Yet there are differences, for example, in the southern countries people tend to do their online shopping later in the evening and in Germany there are significantly more male shoppers than in other countries.

Galaxus is now active in eight countries: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands. Read on to find out what differences there are in terms of device usage, access times and the age and gender of customers.

Smartphones are a favourite for many has had the most hits – over 80 per cent of customers use a smartphone to scroll the online shop. In France, it’s two thirds. Even in the other markets, most shoppers on Galaxus use their smartphone.

Considerably fewer users from Switzerland and Germany surf on their smartphones. Only 67 and 64 per cent of customers respectively reach for their phone to do their online shopping. In Germany, the rate of desktop visits is the highest at just under 35 per cent.

Tablets, however, play a smaller part in online shopping.

Monday evening is peak shopping time

Sunday and Monday are the two most popular days for online shopping.

Most users visit Galaxus on Mondays and the visiting time peaks between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. In Italy and France, the Mediterranean lifestyle is noticeable as the peak is pushed back an hour.

25 to 34 is the golden decade of e-commerce

Across all markets, most Galaxus users are between 25 and 34 years old. It’s only Austria where senior surfers take the lead, with 24 per cent of users belonging to the 55 to 64 age group.

18 to 24-year-olds in Switzerland and Austria, on the other hand, is the age group that makes the least visits to the Galaxus website. The situation is different in Germany, where young adults account for a quarter of traffic on is testosterone heavy

In Austria, France, Italy and Switzerland, 40 to 50 per cent of those who browse Galaxus are female. And the numbers are rising. On Galaxus in Germany, on the other hand, the figure is only 35 per cent – almost two thirds of users are men.

Are you a smartphone shopper or do you prefer to get the things you need on your PC at home? And why is Monday evening so popular for online shopping? Share your thoughts in the comments.

When analysing purchasing behaviour, the data from Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein was added together for the sake of simplicity. The data refers to the period from 1.1. to 29.2.2024.Image source: Shutterstock

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