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Our customers test the HTC Vive

Sandro Hostettler
Translation: machine translated

At the end of June, we offered 9 selected customers who had qualified in a competition the opportunity to test the HTC Vive at our premises. The event has now taken place - and our customers tell you how they liked it in the video!

With four levels, the competition was not so easy to pass, but in the end we had the 9 winners together and the day of the event was approaching. The evening before, we tested the infrastructure in one of our meeting rooms - everything worked.

The next morning, everything was a little different: in our showroom, the sun was blinding the Vive's sensors and it didn't really want to work, so we made a virtue of necessity and moved the setup from the showroom to the cool basement. Given that it was over 30° outside, that wasn't even that tragic.

The participants soon arrived and played various tutorials and games for 20 minutes each. We broadcast the event live on Facebook and our video blogger asked them about their impressions before, during and after the test.

And now, what's next? Unfortunately, we still haven't received a specific delivery date. But of course we hope to be able to offer the product soon and will keep you up to date. Thank you for your great interest in the competition!

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