Clone Robotics
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Protoclone moves like a human

Martin Jud
Translation: machine translated

With over 1000 artificial muscles and 206 bones, the "Protoclone" robot moves like a human. In the future, it will serve as a domestic helper, but until then it still has to learn to walk.

Protoclone V1 from the Polish company Clone Robotics performs amazingly human-like movements. More than 1000 myofibre muscles that function pneumatically are responsible for this. The muscles consist of mesh tubes that contract as soon as they are filled with hydraulic fluid. This is achieved by a 500-watt electric pump that can pump up to 40 litres per minute. Unfortunately, the robot cannot yet stand or walk at its current stage of development. But it is also a fascinating sight when suspended.

The robot's skeleton is modelled on human anatomy and consists of 206 3D-printed polymer bones. Compared to normal robots, it is around four times more flexible with 200 degrees of freedom. It has a rubber skin over its skeleton and muscles. A dark visor is used instead of a face. The company deliberately chose this to avoid any uncanny valley effect. Especially as the sight of the artificial human is already creepy even without a face, this was probably the right decision.

To see, Protoclone has four depth cameras in its skull. It tracks the joint position with 70 inertial sensors and force feedback is provided by 320 pressure sensors. The robot can respond to visual input and learn by observing humans performing tasks.

Although the pneumatically operated machine is not yet able to walk or stand, the company is optimistic. It has announced that it will launch 279 units of a further developed Alpha model on the market this year. It should be able to perform simple household tasks such as washing or vacuuming right from the start.

Header image: Clone Robotics

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