School enrolment gifts: What goes into the school bag?
A pack of coloured pencils? A cuddly toy? Or sweets? Deciding on a gift for the first day of school is not easy. Here are a few sensible gift ideas.
August or September is a big day for many little ones: their first day at school. It's understandable that you don't want to come up with a run-of-the-mill gift for this special occasion. Perhaps the following items will be just right for them
1. the right bag
In Germany, it is common practice for new schoolchildren to receive a filled goody bag: Bigger, prettier, glitterier is the motto. The colourful bags are also becoming increasingly popular in Switzerland. There are really only two things you need to look out for when buying: Does my child like the design? And does it match the outfit?
Whether you want to use a school bag or not, it's the contents that matter.
By the way: While children in Germany start school at the age of six or seven, in Switzerland they start at the age of four. However, Swiss children then go to kindergarten for two years. The gift ideas are of course intended for the "real" start of school from the age of six.
2 Learning to write beautifully - with the right fountain pen
A beautiful fountain pen lasts a whole school life and often even longer. So it's a great idea as a gift for the school cone! I myself had a Lamy fountain pen as a schoolchild that is still alive (and writing!) today. When buying, you should make sure that the fountain pen is suitable for small children's hands. And: In some schools, fountain pens are only recommended from the third or fourth grade. It is therefore worth asking the teaching staff before making a purchase.
3. other writing accessories
Just as suitable as a smart fountain pen are the things you need for writing and being creative when starting school: Crayons, pencil sharpeners, erasers, pencil cases and more - everything you could wish for as a new writer
Keep an overview: with a nice timetable
Not so easy: Monday is maths, Tuesday is English and when was PE again? A pretty timetable makes it easier for proud schoolchildren to memorise their new subjects. For creative kids who like to draw their own timetables, a pretty blackboard is also an option.
4. Rise and shine
What perhaps still needs to be learnt despite being in kindergarten is getting up early. And as young children don't usually have a smartphone yet, a nice clock with an alarm function could also be a suitable gift for starting school.
5. telling the time also needs to be learnt
Speaking of wake-up calls: Now is also the time when your child wants (or needs) to learn to tell the time. A pretty wristwatch or a nice game or book to help your child memorise the time can therefore go into the sugar bag. (Mind you: the Tiptoi game won't fit in the bag, but maybe next to it!)
6. learning through play
While the little ones still have to learn to sit still at school, they can be all the more cheerful at home. With lots of great games that teach reading, writing and arithmetic in an entertaining way

Duden Leseprofi - Learning to read with pictures. The hunt for the horse thieves
German, Fabian Lenk, Dominik Rupp, 2023

7. arrive safely
The first journey to school is a great adventure. Whether with mum, dad or alone - there are some great tools to keep first-graders safe. A high-visibility waistcoat is a must, especially on dark days in winter. Clip-on reflectors are suitable for the satchel. A game is suitable for the theory, in which the most important rules for the way to school can be internalised together with parents and siblings.
8. Games for the school playground
Of course, the best thing about school is the breaks. That's when you can relax, let off steam and play great games with your new friends - for example these:
Happy start to school!
What do you think is a great first day at school gift? Let me know in the comments.
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A true local journalist with a secret soft spot for German pop music. Mum of two boys, a dog and about 400 toy cars in all shapes and colours. I always enjoy travelling, reading and go to concerts, too.