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The 8 best reviews in Switzerland on Google Maps

Mariana Hurtado
Translation: machine translated

Google Maps is not only a practical orientation aid in everyday life. Google's mammoth programme also collects ratings of places. These are sometimes quite funny. I have collected the best reviews of places in Switzerland for you.

You can love Google or hate it, but there's no denying that it has changed our lives. Mostly for the better, I would say. I use most of Google's services and utilise their full potential when there is potential. I have deleted my Google + profile, which was forcefully imposed on us, and on the other hand I share everything my mobile takes with Google Photos. I know the risks, but I accept them because it's just so convenient. I've been using a Chromecast at home since I destroyed my fourth HDMI cable. I'm currently writing this text with Google Docs and sending the images to Digitec through Google Drive.

But the star of the show is Google Maps. What a life saver. I'm sure it has helped each of you at least once. I know that without Google Maps, I would have literally been lost when I arrived in Switzerland three years ago.

However, there is a lesser-known feature within Google Maps that has become increasingly popular in recent years. I like to call it Google Yelp. Yes, I'm talking about the ability to rate places in Google Maps
This has put creative minds on the map. Let's take a look at some gems I've found on my path through the heart of Europe

The unexpected

If you ever need to spend a night in Solothurn but haven't organised a place to stay, why not just commit a crime? Apparently this will get you into an establishment that offers high quality service. You don't believe me? Then just ask this guy who's passionate about Solothurn Prison:

Are you in Schaffhausen and feeling hungry? Leave the fast food and fancy restaurants aside and try something exotic for a change... Like a church service at the Roman Catholic parish of St Konrad.

False advertising

I hate it when an offer is sold to me as one thing but turns out to be something completely different. I mean, when I go to Bourge-de-Four Square, I expect to see a square or a social network. Apparently I'm not alone in this.

You'd better do your homework first before you make the same mistake at the Lucerne Museum of Transport. I'm just saying

Uhm, I really don't know what to say about this one. Alcoholics anonymous don't drink together. That's about something else.

Painfully honest

Some reviews hit the nail on the head, but sometimes the truth can be painful. The State Secretariat for Migration is creatively reproached here - in SVP-Schwarzes-Schäfli style.

As a foreigner in Bern, it's a pain in the arse to have to deal with the resident services of the city of Bern once a year. I couldn't agree more with this person. But at least they are genuine Bernese people.


And for the grand finale, an accurate and useful review that no one would have needed, but I'm glad it exists.

Have you seen any interesting Google Maps reviews yourself? Then don't be shy and share them in the comments. I'm sure there are a lot of hidden gems out there just waiting to be discovered. <p

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