The most difficult Sudoku in the world
Sudoku and drama don't usually appear in the same sentence. Until now. I came across a video that puts all previous Sudokus in the shade.
No idea why I clicked on this video on YouTube. But I'm glad I did. It's by far the best thing that has fluttered across my screen today. The gentleman in the video is called Simon Anthony. Together with Brand Goodliffe, he runs the YouTube channel "Cracking the Cryptic", where they solve cryptic crosswords, sudokus and logic puzzles.
In the video, Simon is confronted with a seemingly unsolvable Sudoku. It only has two predefined numbers. Additional rules make the puzzle even more complex. Simon tries anyway. This leads to an emotional rollercoaster ride and culminates in a cathartic ending. One user aptly summarised it in a comment:

Even if you're not into Sudoku puzzles, the next 25 minutes will leave you mesmerised. Or as Simon puts it: "We are watching magic unfold." Have fun!
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