Product test

The top tidying tip copied from my hairdresser

Natalie Hemengül
Translation: Katherine Martin

Arts and crafts projects may be balm for the soul – but they deliver a roundhouse kick to my need for order every time. The solution? Wheels.

Where creativity blooms, chaos isn’t far behind. In my case, this extends to the whole apartment. Nobody has eaten at my dining table for a long time – instead, it’s become a place for painting. Similarly, my desk, once used for work, has been turned into a surface used for melting wax. My dressing table has also been transformed into a jewellery studio. And my display case? That’s where I knot together my macramé plant hangers(linked article in German).

Of course, not all of this is going on at once. But when it does, it really does. That triggers the part of me that craves order; the piece of me that simply won’t allow unfinished DIY projects and all the knick-knacks that come with them to be left lying around. These days, I’ve taken to painting. A lot. And doing it requires a lot of stuff. Namely brushes, water pots, palettes, tubes of paint, mixing trays, pads of paper, stencils, rulers, erasers, painting mats, pencils ... the list goes on.

Like most people, I don’t have a studio at my disposal, so I’m constantly lugging all the stuff from room to room, using my Tetris skills to stash everything away into the already cluttered office cupboard. I’ve had enough. This situation calls for a creative solution. One that provides storage space for equipment while being flexibly moved from A to B.

I present: my mobile studio

My solution: a trolley The inspiration for it came from my hairdresser, who’s always going to and fro, carting his tools along beside him. Thanks to my «Hobbymobile» I can finally put a lid on my creative chaos. Well, not quite. I did, after all, explicitly go for a three-tiered version. Basically a sort of serving trolley. This way I can store my long paintbrushes in a can on top and leave them out to dry after washing. I put big pads of papers or painting mats in crosswise so that they stick out of the sides a little.

I’ve incorporated a bit of extra storage space in the form of baskets, boxes or open all-purpose crates underneath. With these, I’m able to separate and bundle up my various paints, materials and utensils. When necessary, I just take them out in order to rummage around for whatever I’m looking for.

All-purpose boxes and baskets help me subdivide the storage.
All-purpose boxes and baskets help me subdivide the storage.
Zeller Present Order box (15 x 15 x 7 cm, 1.58 l)
Storage boxes

Zeller Present Order box

15 x 15 x 7 cm, 1.58 l

With the help of my wheeled trolley, I’ve made my studio – and my chaos – mobile. I steer it from one end of the apartment to the other, assemble and disassemble my equipment within a few seconds, and with that, have everything I need to hand.

Multi-tier trolleys are just one way to conveniently store your hobby stuff: Have you got another set-up? Share your idea in the comments!

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