Stadler Form Jasmine
100 ml
Stadler Form Jasmine
100 ml
I am very satisfied with the product. It does what it should, namely fragrance. I like especially that the essential oils are not heated. This creates an aroma that is much fresher than that of conventional fragrance lamps with candles.
As a humidifier, the thing is of course not intended. It is much too small for that.
Meets my expectations, but the room should not be too big, ideal for max. 12m2.
I am actually absolutely convinced of the Stadler Form products and therefore somewhat disappointed about the Jasmine fragrance diffuser. Is very easy to use, also the design is convincing but from the fragrance is nothing to smell. I think the scent is only really noticeable in very small, closed rooms. Perhaps it is also the fragrance oil from Stadler Form which is simply not strong enough. If you do not set the device to the interval mode, you have to refill water 2 times a day, which I find uselessly costly in this case.
Very good product. Very easy to use, very quiet and nice design. I ordered two oil blends Relax and Refresh from Stadler and am very satisfied with them. The smell is very pleasant. TOP !!!
I felt relaxed immediately.
Very good product. Water tank could be bigger, but that's complaining on a high level. The interval level makes it even more interesting. I would buy again immediately
Great! My living room has about 80 m2 and it works perfectly. Even the first floor gets a light perfume when the device it's down stairs :) I bought my own oils though..
6 out of 147 reviews