Product details
Hazard detector type | Smoke detectors |
Alarm signal | Acoustic warning, Optical warning signal |
Sound power level | 85 dB |
Item number | 16390115 |
Reviews & Ratings
Smoke detectors now compulsory throughout Germany Smoke detectors have been mandatory in new buildings throughout Germany for some time. For old buildings, there was still a transitional period. Since 1 January 2021, smoke alarms have been mandatory in all houses and flats. Smoke detectors in the test: Good and cheap - that's the way to go Whether standard smoke alarms or those that can be networked...

- Size of the button (Ømax d. button: 114 milli- metres)
- Fast & reliable response - without wind (To when smoke is emitted from d: 3 metres: 39.3 & 145.0 seconds)
- High sound pressure level of the normal alarm (LP -P max from d: 3 metres: 87.2 dB).
- Power source available from factory (1 x CR123A, 3V - non-replaceable)
- Maximum sound output of the test alarm (LP max from d: 1 metre: 82.6 dB)
- Base is more difficult to screw together
The response behaviour of this smoke detector proved to be really impressive - but only when there was no wind blowing through the house and swirling the smoke (too. & m. wind: 39.1 & 144.5 seconds). Furthermore, it is nice to know that the sound emitted when trying out the alarm is very moderate (Lp max from d metre: 82.8 dB).