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Test Report
Mouthwashes tested
Mouthwashes are a sensible addition to dental care in cases of increased caries risk and acute gum inflammation. We can recommend more than half of them, including all natural cosmetic products. However, three brands, including Listerine, are out of the running due to critical ingredients.

27 Products in test
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happybrush Super Clean Mundspülung (500ml)
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Alterra Mundspülung Bio-Minze (450 ml)
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Alverde 5 in 1 Mundspu¨lung Bio-Melisse
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Bevola Naturals 5 in 1 Mundspu¨lung Bio-Minze
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Blu¨tezeit Mundspu¨lung Bio-Minze & Bio-Melisse
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Bevola Mündspülung Mint
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Dentabella Mundspülung Antibakteriell
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Diadent Mundspülung Anti-Bakteriell
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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DontoDent Mundspülung Antibakterielle Mundhygiene (500ml)
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Elkos DentaMax Zahnfleischpflege Mundspülung 500 ml
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Prokudent Anti Karies Mundspülung
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Sensident Mundspülung Mint
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Today Dent Mundspülung Mintfrisch
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.

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Terra Naturi 5in1 Mundspülung Fresh Mint (500 ml)
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Meridol Zahnfleischschutz Mundspülung (400ml)
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Colgate Ice Fresh Mundspülung (500ml)
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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One Drop Only Ganz Schön Geschützt Mundspülung (500ml)
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Dentalux Mundspülung Fresh Mint Zähne+Zahnfleisch Intensivschutz 500 ml
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Elmex Kariesschutz Zahnspülung (400ml)
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
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Eurodont Mundspülung Zahn- und Zahnfleischschutz
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.

EUR11,85 EUR39,50/1l
Dr. Theiss Lacalut active mouth rinse, 300 ml solution
300 ml, Mouthwash
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Parodontax Active Repair Mundspülung (300ml)
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.
Unfortunately this product is currently not available in our assortment.