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Galaxus Four Hills Tournament: Epiphany jump in Bischofshofen

The Galaxus Four Hills Tournament is going out with a bang. As is customary, the final is the Epiphany jump in Bischhofshofen.

Everything’s set for the Epiphany jump in Bischofshofen. It’s the fourth and final jump of this year’s Galaxus Four Hills Tournament. Bischofshofen, the small village in the heart of the Salzburg region, is home to the highest and longest jump of the entire competition. Brace yourself for extreme distances and high scores courtesy of the athletes. Get your Champagne ready and join our commentator double act Simon Balissat and Tim Eppler, who’ll be celebrating the overall winner in style.

Spectators getting ready for the grand finale.
Spectators getting ready for the grand finale.

Missed the previous jumps? Check them out here:

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Point system and scoring

The athletes receive three different scores for their performance at the Galaxus Four Hills Tournament: distance, landing and final position.

The red line on the landing hill is the so-called K-point. This line indicates the starting point for calculating the distance of the jump. If an athlete lands on the red line, they are awarded 10 points for distance. For the distance score, each grey line before the K-point means -1 point and each grey line after it +1 point. However, the maximum number of points that can be scored for distance is 15. The minimum is 5 points.

Athletes can earn extra points in the B score for their landing. If a vehicle lands on all four wheels at the same time after the jump, this means an additional 5 points.

Final position
The final landing position can also earn the athletes points. If the vehicle comes to a stop on all four wheels after landing, this earns the athlete an additional 5 points in the B score.

The red line represents the K-point on the landing hill.
The red line represents the K-point on the landing hill.

Four Hills Tournament the next episode

Right after the last athlete has thrown themselves down the slope, the preparations for the upcoming season begin. The race management has a few changes planned, but will still need the green light from the association. There are also rumours that the organisers have been talking about a summer edition. However, there’s been no official statement yet.

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