Is anybody out there?
See that look on ET’s face? Kind of worried and hopeful at the same time? Well that’s exactly what I feel like right now.
Not only is this my first blog entry ever but what I’m about to ask is also a bit nerve-racking in terms of my professional life. I’m the English translator for digitec and Galaxus and have just been given the rare chance to drop my readers a line. Hadn’t realised you were reading translated texts*? Well in that case I would like to thank you very much for the huge compliment! A good translation should sound natural and therefore be invisible to readers. The downside of that is that it makes translators invisible, too. So dare I ask the question: Is anybody out there?
Make yourself known and make my day by clicking on the heart or adding a comment! Thank you.

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Jess likes pub quizzes, Rice Krispies and her two French donkeys. She’s into Hip Hop, but plays the drums in a rock band – a caring mum of two and a merciless boxer. Jess is British-Swiss, her hubby Scottish-Mexican, her eldest son’s named after a Hungarian king, the little one after an Irish author. As she bridges the gap between cultures, she translates words not just verbatim but with her own brand of humour and style.