Where should improve?
- Range83%
- Price33%
- Delivery speed33%
The competition has ended. went live in Austria a good month ago. Who are the customers of this new online shop? What day of the week is Austria’s preferred shopping day? And which state is giving us the cold shoulder? Get the lowdown right here.
In Burgenland, we’re pretty much unknown. Monday is shopping day, and our very first parcel included a packet of Manner wafers. That’s the first month in a nutshell. Want more information on Galaxus Austria’s first month? Keep reading for the nitty-gritty.
Since the launch of Galauxs one month ago, it’s the Viennese who’ve shopped at the most by far. Over 70 per cent of all sessions were in the Greater Vienna area. Galaxus is also off to a flying start close to its motherland, Switzerland. Vorarlberg and Tyrol together made up 10% of page views. By contrast, we’re pretty much unknown in Austria’s far East. Burgenlanders generated a mere 0,2 per cent of page views on
Fun fact: the very first parcel was shipped to Bad Zell in Upper Austria. The gentleman in question ordered a Lego set. As a thank you, we threw in a packet of Manner wafers.
Let’s zoom in from the states to the cities: whereabouts in Austria are people visiting the most? Vienna, Dornbirn, Innsbruck, Graz and Salzburg are leading the city ranking one month after Galaxus’ launch. Who knows, maybe we piqued the Vorarlbergers’ curiosity with our street survey? In any case, we’ll continue to watch these developments intently.
Let’s move on from the «where» and take a look at the «when». In five states (Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Burgenland), Monday is the favourite shopping day – similarly to Switzerland. Tyrolians and Salzburgers, on the other hand, prefer Tuesdays. And in Vorarlberg and Vienna, the most page views are registered on Saturdays and Sundays.
Which devices are used to browse Galaxus – notebooks, tablets or smartphones? The result is clear: no matter the location, our page is mainly visited using mobile phones. As far as orders go, there’s no clear pattern. Our customers’ favourite products are consumer electronics such as mobiles, monitors and printers. Home appliances, including vacuum cleaners and food processors, are also up there.
We’ve established that Austrians tend to use their mobiles for online shopping. Does this mean Galaxus customers all belong to the younger generations? By no means. Although the majority of users are between 25 and 34, those aged 55 to 64 are in second place, followed by 45- to 54-year-olds. Women and men are using Galaxus almost equally: 52% of our customers are male, 48% female. And which language is preferred? Unsurprisingly, German is the go-to language for 70% of shoppers at English is in second place with 15%, followed by French and Italian.
How do you like Galaxus? What can we still improve? Thanks for taking part in our survey or sharing your thoughts in the comments.
Where should improve?
The competition has ended.
Graphics: made with Flourish.
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