Plant care + Cultivation

What would be a balcony, terrace, garden or your home without plants and flowers? Even on the smallest balcony area or creatively distributed on wall surfaces, plant oases can be created for various purposes, whether for decoration, for the kitchen or for general well-being.

In addition to the actual plants and seeds, there are a variety of accessories and tools that you can buy online with us and order cheap. If you are interested in growing topics, you will find a large selection of flower pots, raised beds, growing containers, potting soils, fertilizers or special topics such as climate control and ventilation systems for your green friends.

So that your protégés develop as desired, it is important to provide the right soil, fertilizer and substrates for the respective plants and to give them the appropriate protection. Here, for example, there are already differences between indoor and outdoor soil, liquid and solid fertilizer or the appropriate plant covers in winter. In addition to the care products mentioned so far, you can also support growth and development with plant protection products such as insecticides, animal repellents, fungicides and herbicides. However, pay attention to the correct application according to the packaging instructions and quantities, otherwise you can do more harm than good.

For pots, containers and raised beds, make sure they are large enough for your plants before you buy them so that the root system can develop as well as possible. Also, if the planters will be outside in all seasons, they should be weatherproof. A relatively new way to place plants is the so-called vertical garden. Here you not only conquer new spaces in the vertical and create space, but also provide completely new decorative elements.

All plant care and cultivation products are delivered to you quickly and conveniently. And if you can't decide right away, our filter and product comparison options will help you find your way around in just a few clicks.

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