Is an expensive smoke detector worth it?
Smoke alarms can save your life - or annoy you beyond belief. It all depends on choosing the right device and, above all, installing it correctly.
On New Year's Eve almost two years ago, I was with good friends in a cottage in Fribourg to ring in the new year together. I could see the entire surrounding mountain landscape from the terrace, there was a sauna in the basement and the rooms were cosily furnished. One of my friends even brought home-shot wild boar for our last evening meal of 2018, which almost proved to be our undoing later on.
Two minutes of palpitations
During the first tour of the house, the owner showed us the fire protection system, among other things. A box behind glass with a numeric keypad and switches controlled the smoke detectors throughout the house. As soon as a detector was triggered, there were exactly two minutes to deactivate it by entering a PIN and turning the switch before the fire door was automatically closed and the fire brigade alerted. Finally, we had to put theory into practice by roasting a wild boar. Slightly tipsy, our speed and memory were put to the test. The pressure of a potential bill for several hundred francs made us sweat even more. Just before the end, the beeping of the alarm went silent, broken only by the racing of our hearts.

We didn't hear the shrill acoustic alarm for the rest of the long weekend - because we didn't activate the detectors again. The fear of another unwanted adventure with a pack of smoking amateur chefs was too great. Needless to say, this is not what the inventor had in mind. A smoke alarm should warn you of a fire in good time and not tempt you to switch it off. That's why it's important to get a device that meets your needs and take the most important quality features into account.
A good smoke alarm doesn't have to be expensive
Smoke detectors are early warning systems that sound an alarm at 85 decibels at the slightest hint of smoke. Most models work according to the optical principle. Regardless of whether it's a 20 francs model or an expensive smart device. An infrared light beam shines through a control chamber several times a minute. If the chamber fills with smoke particles, the light beam is deflected and lands on a photocell, triggering an audible alarm. The differences between smart and simple smoke alarms are the price and access outside the home. While a basic device protects you at home, a wireless smoke detector also reports to your smartphone. This allows you to inform neighbours or the fire brigade while on the move. So you won't be left with a burnt-down house after the summer holidays.
Everyone has to decide for themselves whether this is necessary. The quality features of a smoke alarm are independent of price and networking. Even a very inexpensive model can save your life if a fire starts somewhere in your home while you are sleeping peacefully in bed. When buying any smoke alarm, look out for the following three features
A reliable smoke alarm is certified in accordance with the EN 14604 standard. This European product standard defines the standards and test procedures for the devices. It ensures that the smoke alarm fulfils the technical requirements. The VdS seal of approval, on the other hand, confirms that the smoke alarm has also been tested for this.
Control functions
The smoke alarm of your choice should have three control functions. A test button to trigger the acoustic warning signal, which you should check monthly. An acoustic indicator as soon as the battery life is coming to an end. And a visual indicator that lets you know whether the device is working properly.
Battery life
The service life of a smoke detector is around ten years, after which it should be replaced. Dust in the control chamber can cause the smoke alarm to stop working. However, the most important thing is that a low battery makes itself audible and lasts for at least 30 days from this point. This gives you enough time to replace the smoke alarm, as most devices have a permanently installed battery.
Where to put it?
If a smoke alarm has all these technical features, then only human error can become a problem. For example, if you choose the wrong location. In Germany, installation is mandatory in all bedrooms and corridors that serve as escape routes. This is where the installation makes the most sense in order to protect people. Smoke detectors also make sense in smoke-free living rooms, where there are likely to be some electrical appliances. However, if you smoke like a chimney there, it is not advisable to install one unless you want to constantly deactivate a false alarm. A smoke alarm is also of little use in the kitchen, where something is often sizzling on the hob. However, if you don't want to do without a warning system in these rooms, you can fit a heat detector. This has a temperature sensor that starts to beep when the threshold value of 56 to 60 degrees Celsius is exceeded.
The ceiling is the preferred location for both types, as heat rises. It is best to install the detector in the centre of the ceiling, but at least 50 centimetres away from walls and furniture. If your room is larger than 60 square metres, you will need two detectors. If you now follow the instructions in the enclosed operating manual, everything should work smoothly. Even the preparation of wild boar without shrill alarm sounds.
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