Perhaps the perfect gaming and processing machine.
As my personal computer was getting old, I did my research for a new PC, ordered the computer and am now impatiently waiting for it.
The requirements
The computer is at home in the living room, stored in a cabinet. WAF. You could call it a computer-centric living room, as everything is run by the PC. Audio, video all the way to the projector, games and processing straight to the monitor, Internet searches for the whole family. That's why the computer needs to be even quieter. Even WAF.
Okay, I admit it, my desire to change my computer is directly linked to my desire to be able to play games like Fallout 4. For all other tasks, the old one would have done. But please don't tell anyone. Oh yes, and when I switch the old PC off and on again after a few days, which I try to avoid, I sometimes need several tries... it always gives me an adrenaline rush.
Ratio quality/price
Buying a good computer that lasts several years is worth it. Because in 20 years' time, when I no longer need 5, but 4 computers, I will have saved a computer. What's more, I'll certainly have saved money, even if I'm paying 25% more for superior performance. And yet I don't want to buy things at an insane price. It seems to me that this way of thinking is logical and applicable to all purchases. Buying quality is more ecological and economical. But it's not always easy to recognise it. In the worst case, you don't notice it, but it's worth it for digitec.
I assemble the PC myself, or at least I'm going to try. And that's with my kids, which doesn't make it any easier. I could then explain to them, as far as possible, how a computer is assembled. These days, with all these smart devices, some people think the screen is directly connected to the internet.
- 05.01.2016, I've ordered the components. This is exciting, will the delivery arrive by the weekend?
- 11.01.2016, all items have been sent, they should arrive tomorrow (some already arrived on Saturday)
- 16.01.2016, everything is assembled and working perfectly at the moment, Fallout 4 is working, you'll know more soon...
Choosing components
Core processing unit
According to my research, hyper-threading offers no advantage in gaming. And for all other applications, the CPU is more than sufficient. That's why I chose the fast i5 Skylake.
Here's a nice piece. Good price, good reviews. I hope the fan doesn't crush the processor under its weight when mounted. Maybe the brand would appeal to Julien the hipster (video in German)?
Living Memory
No matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find any reason to put more than 16GB in my PC. 8GB would probably even be enough, but for the prices, I still preferred 16GB. And we can still persuade ourselves that we might have enough time to try our hand at 4K video editing...
In general, I like to buy products from suppliers other than Asus. But the value for money and the equipment persuaded me all the same. On top of that, I didn't want to compare all the motherboards out there. And, reading through the comments, it seems to make a good impression.
Graphic card
I've been researching the current series of nVidia graphics cards. In comparison with the various models and after reading the articles on Tomshardware, the GTX 970 seemed ideal to me, fast and not too expensive. And for the Asus model, the relatively quiet fan seems very much appreciated.
Hard disk
As I don't want any more rotating platters in my PC, I chose the standard version of the Samsung SSD. Once 500GB for system and programs and once a terabyte for data. That should be enough. The rest will be deleted. Local data collection seems to me to be outdated. There are plenty of online services for that.
Housing and power supply
Corsair makes a strong impression. What's more, the case isn't too big, but still feels spacious. With that some quiet fans to prevent the graphics card from becoming hyperactive...
Operating system
After thinking about it for a long, long time, I opted for Windows 10. With all these alternatives, it wasn't an easy choice. Anyway, part of the Microsoft monopoly rent has been distributed to Melinda's foundation. Again the WAF?
List of components
Why a PC
Who sits, proud as a peacock, straight as an i, in front of an ergonomically adjusted screen and can be more productive than others with their backs bent, arms folded, necks aching and noses in the notebook screen? So.
I am of course always happy to receive advice. Actually no... as I've already bought everything, it would be frustrating to learn, after the event, that I would have been better off buying other components. Instead, check out the video from Flurin Caspescha and his chainsaw (video in German) as a souvenir of Christmas 2015.
Further information
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Cool: Creating interfaces between the real world and the world of pure information. Not cool: Driving by car to the mall to shop. My life happens online, the information age is where I feel at home.