Background information

History of computing: Find all articles here

Kevin Hofer
Translation: machine translated

The "History of computing" series of articles sheds light on different eras, personalities and products in the history of computing. On this overview page you will find all published articles.

Did you know that a woman is considered the world's first programmer? Or that computers fuelled similar fears in their early days as artificial intelligence does today? Have you ever heard of the Intel 4004? If not, you can find an overview of the articles on the history of computing that have already been published on this page. From the beginnings in the distant past, when traders used the abacus to perform calculations, to the modern age, when Intel helped the PC achieve its breakthrough with the microprocessor. If you know everything anyway, you can indulge in nostalgia and add your two cents in the comments column.

  • Background information

    From the abacus to the arithmometer: The history of computing, part 1

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    What do looms and computers have in common? History of computing part 2

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    Now it's going digital: History of computing, part 3

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Guide

    History of computing part 4: Transistors - thanks to them your computer runs

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Guide

    The rise of a giant: History of Computing, Part 5

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    How the "Fairchildren" founded Silicon Valley

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    A question of size: the history of the hard disk

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    Intel 4004: A desktop calculator helps the microprocessor achieve a breakthrough

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    The microcomputer: success thanks to hobbyists and enthusiasts

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    Gary Kildall: the almost-Gates

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    VisiCalc: The first killer app in computer history

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    Jack Tramiel: How the tough tycoon put Commodore on the road to success

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Guide

    Douglas Engelbart: more than just the father of the mouse

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    Xia Peisu: the mother of Chinese computing

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    Unplug the power supply: the story of Konrad Zuse

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    Sergey Lebedev and the first Soviet computer

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    50 Years of Floppy Disk: The Rise and Fall of a Storage Medium

    by Kevin Hofer

  • Background information

    Eben Upton and Raspberry Pi: a history of equal opportunities

    by Kevin Hofer

In case you're wondering why the series was no longer titled "History of Computing" from part 6 onwards: The name is simply too unwieldy and too long.

This overview page will be updated regularly. Check back regularly or follow me by clicking on "Follow author" on my author profile. <p

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  • Background information

    Intel 4004: A desktop calculator helps the microprocessor achieve a breakthrough

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